K&J Bows and Ties | Dog Accessories
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Everyday Accessories

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K&J Bows and Ties is a dog accessories company that offers groomers high quality dog bows, dog bandanas, dog bow ties, grooming competition accessories, and bunny accessories. 

We have a lovely range of dog accessories, including grooming competition bows and designer bows which your audience or client will love. Many groomers think accessories are just small details, but they have their importance! You can bet on the fact that clients notice these small things and likes them.

Groomers who bought with us have pet parents at the end of the year who have gathered all their grooming bows their pet used during the year in a little bag. We hope this can give you new insight into accessories. Have this extra care for your loyal customers. Sometimes it’s the small changes that make a HUGE impact on your grooming salon. 

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ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE - Rua: Dionisio Ferreira dos Reis Filho, 150 - Bairro: Jardim Walkiria - SJRP/SP - CEP: 15085-440 - CNPJ: 43.362.345/0001-06 IE: 124.259.724.110

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